Lost and found animals

Almost daily - and even in the best case several times weekly - lost and found, runaway, injured or orphan pets are brought into Tierklinik Stuttgart for examination and in-patient treatment.

Of course, we search each of those patients multiple times for a chip or tattoo and double-check with Tasso or the institution in charge. Our goal is to get our patients back to their original homes, as soon as possible.

Stationär Katze

Unfortunately, oftentimes those animals are neither chipped, nor tattoed or the data is classified and can't be accessed. Some chips don't work anymore after some time. 

This sadly but often results in our patients being transferred (after recovery) to one of the local animal shelters in search for a new warm and safe home.

If your pet is lost, you will now find in this section all new lost-and-found animals of Tierklinik Stuttgart and those of the last 4 weeks (that already went into the animal shelter), that are looking for their original owners and homes.

Currently In-Patient Lost-AnD-found Animals:

Recently transferred to an animal shelter:

Longhair-crossbreed cat "Löwe"

The male castrated cat was delivered for in-patient treatment on January 10th, 2019, after being found in Stuttgart Münster. "Löwe" is neither chipped nor tattoed.

"Löwe" was suspectedly hit by a car, resulting in multiple injuries, which has been treated at Tierklinik Stuttgart. "Löwe" is now at the Tierheim Stuttgart (Animal Shelter).

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