Bloodbank, donation & Transfusion

"I donated! Now, you can save a life as well!"
"I donated! Now, you can save a life as well!"

Not just for traumas, accidents and complicated surgeries, but also for certain internistic diseases (such as anemia, coagulopathies, or hypoproteinaemia) and intoxications, there is an intense need for blood products in cats and dogs.
Just as in human medicine, there is a constant need for these products on a daily base to save pet lives.

Tierklinik Stuttgart Plieningen, Veterinary Specialist Hospital is currently establishing an own bloodbank, so that we are able to administer a blood transfusion in an emergency at every given point of time.

Currently, there is no option to produce blood or comparable supplements artificially. Thus, we are depending on your help and the blood donation by your companion animal!

What are the Advantages for our blood donors? 

  • Potentially, you are saving the life of another companion animal and family member of somebody else
  • Free clinical examination before every donation
  • Free blood check (CBC) before every donation
  • Free big blood Profile including infectious diseases and testing for blood type at the first donation, later once annually
  • A bag of dry food for your animal or you receive a credit note for our hospital as a little "Thank you!" for the donation


The donation can be taken at the jugulary vein (on the neck, much more healthy for the veins of the animal) or on one of the legs (depending on the size and behaviour of the animal)
The donation can be taken at the jugulary vein (on the neck, much more healthy for the veins of the animal) or on one of the legs (depending on the size and behaviour of the animal)

The clinical examination is one of the first steps for the donation. If your animal appears healthy an extensive blood profile (including the typing of the blood group DEA 1.1, CBC and blood chemistry, as well as PCRs for vector borne diseases). Some patients need a short sedation to take the blood donation depending on the temper of the dog.

With cats, it is a similar procedure (the typing of the blood group into A, B or AB; CBC and blood chemistry, as well as the testing for possible infectious diseases such as FeLV or FIV). Most cats need a short sedation for the donation.


  • The animal has to be healthy
  • The age should be between 1 and 9 years
  • No previous stays in foreign countries (Nordic countries usually are no problem, Southern and Western areas are of higher risk due to possible vector borne diseases)
  • Regular vaccination and deworming
  • Never received a blood transfusion itself
  • In female animals: no pregnancies beforehand
  • The interval between the donations should be at least 2 months.
  • Dogs should weight more than 30 kg, cats more than 4 kg
  • Indoor cats only are optimal blood donors, due to infectious diseases transmitted by fighting
  • And last but not least: If your animal is relaxed and calm, taking blood will be way easier; in some animals a short sedation helps a lot.

Blood donors always wanted!

We care and look after our blood donors, so that they are feeling completely content at our place.
We care and look after our blood donors, so that they are feeling completely content at our place.

You are making a major contribution to our critical care for our patients! Feel free to address us if there are any questions on the topic of blood donation! If there are any, we are happy to discuss those with you.

If you are interested into being admitted to our blood donor index, please do not hesitate to call our reception (0711-637380).

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