Urology addresses the examination and the treatment of diseases of urine-forming (kidneys) and urinary (ureter, urinary bladder and urethra) organs.
At first during the first detailed conversation the problems are discussed and after the general examination of your animal you will receive information about the necessity and the type of further examinations. In many cases urine and blood tests as well as an ultrasound examination are appropriate. In special cases for the clarification of reasons an X-ray diagnostics or endoscopy are required.
In case of slow loss of function of kidneys, the pet owner frequently notices at first an increased thirst and an increased urine production in their pet. In case of an acute kidney failure on the contrary, the patient starts feeling very bad within a short period of time and it must receive immediate intensive medical care.
Basically the goal is always to identify the reason for the kidney disease and to treat it in the best case. Beside blood and urine tests diagnostic imaging and blood pressure measurement have to be performed.
Affected animals must frequently excrete small amounts of urine that can in many cases contain blood. If the stones settle in the urethra, miction is limited or it is not possible at all and the patient gets in an acute emergency situation, which must be treated immediately.
At the Veterinary Clinic Stuttgart urinary stones are treated using the minimally invasive/endoscopic procedure by means of disintegration with the help of a laser. For the patient this procedure is not only much more gentle and safe, but also as opposed to a traditional surgical treatment it can guarantee the complete removal of all the stones to the greatest possible extent. Discover more here: Laser lithotripsy.
A particular challenge is stones in the ureter in the form, in which they can be found, first of all, in cats. Because in this case traditional surgical interventions have a very high potential for complications, in our Veterinary Clinic we use stents and SUBs which in proportion have a definitely higher chances for success.
This means spontaneous loss of urine,
which can appear due to various causes. In
grown-up female dogs, sphincter weaknesses frequently occur, which in many cases can be controlled after the
determination of diagnosis using special medication. If in such cases
combinations of various medications do not help, we at the
Veterinary Clinic Stuttgart can perform endoscopic interventions, which improve the closure mechanism
or we can solve the problem by inserting a sphincter cuff
But also nerve, cancer diseases or congenital malformations can lead to urinary incontinence.
Here, the most important disease is the so-called “Ectopic ureters,” which occurs more frequent in female animals than in male dogs. In both genders first of all the so-called intramural forms appear, whereby the ureters enter the bladder wall in the normal position but then abnormally pull downwards in the wall (= ectopic), and release the urine at first in the urethra. This urine is then does not stay in the urinary bladder anymore, but it flows uncontrolled through the urethra outwards. At our veterinary clinic, this disease can be treated without the necessity of a surgical cut with a help of a laser using endoscopic procedure. Discover more here: Ectopic ureters
Also for the breeding of certain species we perform prescribed ultrasound examinations for the detection of this disease.