Range of services
of orthopedic and trauma surgery
- Operation of all types of fractures
- Humeral head fractures and fractures of long bones
- Distal humeral fractures
- Sliding humeral osteotomy (SHO)
- Radial head fractures
- Elbow fractures/olecranon fracture
- Fractures of processus coronoideus
and anconeaus
- Elbow dislocation/elbow luxation
- Radial (forearm) and distal
radial fractures
- Paw fractures
- Hyperextension syndrome (dropped pastern)
- Hip joint luxation (also after
endoprothesis implant)
- Femoral head fracture
- Femoral shaft fracture, distal femoral fracture
- Knee joint luxation
- Patella fracture, patella luxation
- Meniscus rupture. Cruciate ligament rupture (TPLO, TTA)
- Treatment of cartilage defects
- Tibia fractures
- Ankle fracture,
Talus fracture, calcanaeus fracture
- Corrective osteotomies in case of malformation
- Joint prosthetics (artificial hips in dogs and cats)
- Sinew, ligament, muscle operations
- Arthrodeses (loss of mobility in the joint)
- Upper jaw and lower jaw fractures
- Orbita/skull fractures
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