In the neurological department we treat diseases of the nervous system. These include diseases of the brain, of sensory organs, of the spinal cord and of peripheral nerves in the limbs.
After a detailed discussion with our neurologists, during which you can exactly describe what you have noticed in your four-legged friend, we perform a neurological examination together with you. Thereby we perform various tests like, for example, examination of the gait or of reflexes in the limbs and on the head. Also video recordings, which you have made at home and which show the problem, can be helpful to us.
After that we discuss with you where exactly in the nervous system we suspect a problem, which diseases are probable, which examination methods we use to determine the problem, and how we can treat your dog or your cat.
Very often we perform blood tests, because changes in various laboratory parameters can also cause neurological symptoms. Moreover, we would like to have an overview of the patient’s general state of health. X-ray images of the chest or of the spine or also an ultrasound of the abdomen are required more often.
In order to examine the brain and the spinal cord using imaging techniques, we perform either a computer tomography (CT) or a magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) . CT is especially good for changes in the bones such as the spine, while MRT represents soft parts very well, such as the brain or the spinal cord.
Following the MRT or the CT, very often a sample of brain liquid (liquor cerebrospinalis) is taken and immediately examined. In doing so we primarily look for signs of inflammation but sometimes also for tumor cells.
If we suspect a disease of peripheral nerves, we recommend the performance of electrodiagnostics in order to confirm and to characterize it in more detail. A muscle and nerve biopsy, which is examined in a special laboratory, often provides us with more detailed information about the type of the muscle or nerve disease.
When all the required tests are assessed, we discuss with you the results and the suitable form of therapy for your animal.
Many diseases can be treated using medicines. We use inflammation inhibitors, anti-epileptic drugs or painkillers frequently.
In case of herniated discs often an operation is required to remove the herniated disc material. Also many brain tumors (for example, meningioma) can be removed surgically.
As a supporting measure physiotherapy first of all for patients with problems related to herniated discs or nervous paralysis, but also for patients with orthopedic diseases is very important.
Disc material herniates in the vertebral canal and pushes on the spinal cord, which leads to pains up to complete paralysis. Diagnostics: CT or MRT. Therapy: depending on the severity using medications or surgically. Prognosis: mostly good.
many different reasons are possible: Diseases of internal organs, diseases of the brain itself or idiopathic epilepsy. Diagnostics: Laboratory, if necessary, X-ray, if necessary, ultrasound, MRT/(CT), cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics. Therapy and forecast: depending on the reason.
Inflammation of the middle and the internal ear frequently leads to vestibular disorders. Diagnostics: Otoscopy, laboratory, CT or MRT, if necessary, video otoscopy. Prognosis: mostly good.
Sudden vestibular disorders in an old dog without verifiable cause. Diagnostics: Laboratory, if necessary, exclusion of other causes using MRT. Therapy: Infusion, anti-nausea medication. Prognosis: good.
Viral infectious disease which leads to purulent inflammations in the central nervous system. Diagnostics: Laboratory, spinal tap, if necessary, MRT, if necessary, FIP PCR / antibodies. Therapy: no. Prognosis: desperate.
A blood vessel that should go through the liver bypasses it. Therefore nutrients cannot be correctly utilized and toxins accumulate. Diagnostics: Laboratory incl. liver function test, ultrasound, if necessary, CT. Therapy: low-protein diet, surgical closure of the blood vessel. Prognosis: cautious to good.
immune inflammations of the brain. Diagnostics: Laboratory, MRT, cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics. Therapy: Immunosuppressive medications. Prognosis: cautious, but very frequently long-term improvement.
immune, flaccid paralysis mostly of all limbs with reduced reflexes. Diagnostics: Laboratory, X-ray of thorax, electrodiagnostics, if necessary, ultrasound, if necessary, muscle/nerve biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics. Therapy: Physiotherapy. Prognosis: good.
occur mostly in older animals. Specific breeds are affected more frequently. Diagnostics: X-ray of thorax, laboratory, MRT/(CT), if necessary cerebrospinal fluid diagnostics. Therapy: medicines, surgical, radiotherapy. Prognosis: depending on the tumor, cautious to desperate.