The ophthalmological department of the Veterinary Clinic Stuttgart is characterized by many years of the voluntary work of Dr. Sinzinger in the presidium and as the president of the Gesellschaft für Diagnostik erblich bedingter Augenerkrankungen bei Tieren e.V. (Society for the diagnostics of hereditary eye diseases in animals) (DOK).
The goal of the examination for hereditary eye diseases is to prevent pain, restricted quality of life and costly treatments or even operations through breeding individuals with healthy eyes.
For the DOK eye examination, the pupil must be dilated with eye drops. Only then the back structures of the eye can be well identified and diagnosed.
For the examination, the patient must be clearly marked (chip) and breeding papers are required. Please consult when/at what age your breeding association requires this examination and if special additional examinations (gonioscopy) are required.