The Veterinary Clinic Stuttgart possesses a completely equipped eye operating room with a high-class Zeiss operating microscope, an eye laser, a phaco machine, a cryo device, a modern anesthesia device and a system for the monitoring of the delivery of anesthetics, as well as all the microinstruments required for interventions in the interior of the eye.
Specialists define grey star or cataract as opacity of the crystalline lens, which leads to the nebular deterioration of eyesight and increased sensitivity to glare. The reasons are hereditary conditional lens opacities, lens opacities as a consequences of diabetes (increased blood sugar level), age-related opacities or the result of injuries and inflammations of the eye. The only treatment option is operation.
During the operation, the opaque lens is removed through a cut several millimeters long made using ultrasound and an artificial lens is inserted into the eye.
The modern and gentle operation technique we use almost always leads to a very good visual result.
The burden on the patient is low and the surgery can be also performed at an old age.